Rideable hexawalker is Chibikart’s kin

The folks from MIT made their way to the NYC Maker Faire, and of course brought a pair of Chibikarts. [Nancy Ouyang] wouldn’t allow those portable go karts take center stage at the MIT booth though; her Hexarideablepod (yes, that’s what she calls it) saw much more action from the kids clamoring to take something for a drive.

From the video above, [Nancy] shows off her six-legged, tennis ball-footed creation. The entire machine is powered by car batteries and is controlled via two joysticks in something resembling driving a tank.

As per [Nancy]‘s wishes, I must mention that this project was for MITERS, a.k.a. the people from MIT that came down to Maker Faire. 

Proper video after the break. The Internet at Maker Faire is horrible, give me a break.



Filed under: transportation hacks

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